By part time all the time - 23/06/2013 04:37 - United States - Bloomfield Hills

Today, I found out that my creepy neighbor paid a guy to install a camera in my bathroom. It's been there for three months. The guy he paid? My brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 394
You deserved it 3 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a perv. And nice brother you have there, OP! Sibling love

That takes creepy to a whole new level. I suggest hitting your brother with a baseball bat.


I would have charges pressed against both of them. Even though it is your brother who did it and he is family, he clearly does not know what family means, so I would not feel (too guilty) about reporting him. Getting the police involved would be a good idea not for the sake of your safety, but also to prevent videos of you from being spread online. It may be too late already, but it is better to do something than to let it go and possibly have your creepy neighbour freak out about you knowing and thus, threatening you to keep on letting him spy on you or else he will post the videos online or even sell them to other creepers out there.

rickyblair 16

Yeah...that's illegal. And you'll probably be pianos for awhile. So sorry.

Obey_StudBoii 23

The hell?? Your brother and neighbor are jerks. Prosecute your neighbor.

JCal585 8

I would turn it over to police..

I hope you called the police on their asses! That's illegal!

Or just press charges against both of them. What a piece of shit.

Maybe her brother is just a little kid and didn't understand the ramifications. the neighbor could have been grooming him by paying him for other harmless odd jobs... you definitely need to report this to the police!

If her brother could secretly set up a camera in her bathroom, I think he might be smart enough to understand the ramifications of such an action...