By Anonymous - 06/01/2014 19:13 - United States - Lexington

Today, I found out that someone had peed into the bottle of Febreze that we keep in the dorm bathroom. I found this out when I sprayed it onto my coat to get rid of a weird smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 562
You deserved it 5 056

Same thing different taste


bluemidnight 9

Why not just wash the coat? I don't think spraying febreze on something is gonna stop it from smelling weird.

C0M1C4L 9

thumbs up if you come on fml to laugh at these like me not feel bad for op

That's probably what the smell was in the first place

At least you know where the wierd smell came from because I bet you weren't the first to use it...

nikkiluvzglen 16

Next time, don't use 'shared' things in college

I'd like to call bull, if you open febreeze to pee in it it will no longer spray after aerosol has been released.

smelly cat, smelly cat what have they been feeding youuu