By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 16:31 - United States

Today, I found out why my boyfriend gets so upset when I make jokes about him and his best guy friend being lovers. It's because they are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 674
You deserved it 9 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bennn89 5

I hear it's worse when you find out your best guy friend, and your boyfriend are lovers. I know. I was the best guy friend lmao

DirtyPicture_fml 0

Lmfao!!!!!!!!! Well hope someone comes better ur way hhahh

JustDerpin 11

Maybe he got tired of your constant joke, so one day he decided to try it out.

This FML is every slash fic ever, except in real life. I love it.

Then don't joke around like that, if you get pissed about that it's true.

Old FML, but I'm saying FYL for being cheated on, and YDI for continuing to make a joke that he clearly didn't like.