By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 16:31 - United States

Today, I found out why my boyfriend gets so upset when I make jokes about him and his best guy friend being lovers. It's because they are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 674
You deserved it 9 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wow thats...terrible...people always make fun of my boyfriend saying he's in love with his best im kind of nervous that they're right. i wuld deffinetly say FYl

...Sounds eerily similar to my situation. THAAAANNNKS OP.

jdmc91 0

Is his name Josh, and friend's name Gabe, per chance?

Sardonix 0

You're not alone, my boyfriend is a closet case. I'm waiting for hte day I come home to that

well lets c. Your bfs a closet case, its ok keep him that way, and find a girlfriend. Much better that way ;)

zebrapattern 6

hah you probably gave him the idea.

that's scary because I bug my boyfriend of being more than just friends with his best guy friend. D: