By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 630
You deserved it 34 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cheyc 0

u don't have to be a slutt to have sex. and god always forgives, and many people have been there.

so because your purity ring was lost, you had sex? didn't know those only kept guys off when they were being worn.

Some questions: The effects of the purity ring only last 8 months? How does the ring keep your legs closed? Is there a pulley and rope system or does actually go over your legs up to the knees?

icanhazblivions 1
brice89_fml 0

so what's wrong with gettin laid? :/

1MaoChan 4

I'm pretty sure, no positive, that even if you loose your Purity ring, you still made the promise to God. Therefore, it's your responsiblity to keep your virginity, eh? thought so.

how is this an fml lmfao how many times have I heard this one