By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 630
You deserved it 34 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I lost my virginity to my hand and a bottle of lotion

now ur life Is totally ******. seriously

people sure get angry over sex at this page

dphilipson12 0

lost mine to my wife. so **** all you all.

sami1994 0

awesome ^^ u are amazing!!!!!

Way to try to stay single. It's not a big deal though.

How is this an FML? Would your ring have prevented you from sleeping around?

somethingnew24 0

so the ring would have stopped you???

kaybbyx3 0

you're probably one of those 14-16 year olds who only wear purity rings because of the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

Yes this is very stupid. It's like as soon as you loose your purity ring, you have to DE-PURE yourself ASAP.