By Feelinfunny1 - 10/02/2012 06:56 - United States

Today, I gave an old owl lamp away because I had no need for it. The new owner informed me shortly after that it was worth $400. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 270
You deserved it 22 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

You can never tell the true worth of anything these days. A picture of someone's butt could be worth thousands of dollars :/

jojimugo 20

One mans trash is another mans treasure.....


That's what happens when you give something as cool as an owl lamp away.

Someone thinks an old owl lamp is worth $400? All that proves is that some people will pay really good money for crap. How else do you explain how Bieber and Gaga have sold so many albums?

SecretMe00 5

Its definitely weird seeing you talk bout bieber...

Nah, preteen girls ages 3-13 spend their parents money on beiber. Idk how the hell to explain Gaga

HannahWho 8

Preteen refers to girls 9-12. Also a 13 year old would be a teen.

That sucks for you sorry you could ask for it back

I always try to sell stuff I don't need - it's never worth anything. Why don't I own owl-lamps like that one? Or just... stuff that has value? Well - better luck next time. Remeber to try to sell it before you give it away. At least you MIGHT get something out of it. If you can't sell it, THEN give it away!

dabomb1463 0

That sucks but you should always research old stuff before you sell it.

At least you didn't give away a parliament of owl lamps. Now that would be for the birds.

Took a shit a wrapped it up in tinfoil and told you it was worth $500 would you believe me.

Maybe if you said it was a major athletics shit. People will buy their hair O.o

Too late already quit my job and made three tin f arts I call them