By Feelinfunny1 - 10/02/2012 06:56 - United States

Today, I gave an old owl lamp away because I had no need for it. The new owner informed me shortly after that it was worth $400. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 270
You deserved it 22 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

You can never tell the true worth of anything these days. A picture of someone's butt could be worth thousands of dollars :/

jojimugo 20

One mans trash is another mans treasure.....


Nikkitaria 9

Is there a genie in that lamp?

RebekahBrooke 9

Well since you can't get it back... congratulate the person you sold it to, and go pout?

Rocky007 15

It was worthless to you, you had no intention of checking its value and selling it, and yet you somehow are annoyed about someone else's good fortune. Yes, FYL, it must be sad living such a greedy and grumpy existence.

I never understood that when people have something they think is worthless they can't stand having it around. Later you inform them how much it is worth in specific markets and the refuse to let it go and then flash it around for all to see. What they seem to forget is that it's only worth something in specific markets where experienced collectors will rip them off anyways and they would otherwise be unable to get more than a few bucks out of it otherwise. These type of people piss me off they are so greedy. Just call it a a loss and move on.

U should of researched it before you sold it

linkinpark98 23

Hoo would ever think to sell that anyways?

porcupineattack1 5

Well how do you know hes not lying?

thiscrazything 1

It was not real nice of that person to tell you that, but having something "worth" $400, and actually having $400 is two completely different things. We all have stuff that is "worth" a lot.... that is, until you try to sell it. Don't worry about it, you have more room in your house now.

It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

MedChew 19

You should have gone "O RLY?" He's an asshole for telling you that.