By anon - 21/06/2014 12:50 - United States - Edison

Today, I got hit by a car while walking into the hospital to visit my wife, who had also gotten hit by a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 932
You deserved it 4 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you were close to a hospital?

That is the very definition of irony. At least you two can share a room now


Sounds like you two need to learn to look both ways

paramor3 23

What on earth did ya'll do?? Have a party to break a bunch of mirrors, walk through ladders, spill salt, watch black cats cross the road...and all that other superstitious stuff??

You're one of those couples... You know the ones that must do everything together. LOL

I hope you and your wife will be okay!!!

Maybe y'all can get put in the same room.

Mortoli 30

It would be ironic if it was same car. Maybe he/she driving wanted to go apologize to your wife? Well this will be great story to tell your kids or friends if they ever ask how you knew for certain you two were perfect for each other?

Mortoli 30

Oh and on another bright note at least there will be no need for visitation hours. Though I wonder if hospitals let lovers in same room if both have same thing.

get well and put on your nicest law suit.