By edhere4u2nv - 06/06/2012 18:51 - United States - Ozone Park

Today, I got into a fight with my mom, and stormed out of the house. I walked two blocks before realizing that I have no place to go, and no friends to vent to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 655
You deserved it 7 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It might be time to realize it's not everyone else in your life who cause the problem

Should of just went into your room and got on the computer and put it on Facebook, that's what everyone else does


Ignoring your mother doesn't usually lead to good results. OP, try acting like an adult. Maybe she will too and, even better, maybe she'll treat you like one. Just talk to her. You two may not ever agree on the situation but compromises can usually be made.

It took you two whole blocks to figure this out? -_-

ChickInGreenVans 12
baubabe05 3

Just walk around for a while and vent to yourself. Sometimes thats just what you need! Sorry OP

unknown_user5566 26

*Comment sensored for fear of starting a 30 comment debate* ;) Seriously though, you do kind of deserve it for storming off, but I'm sorry you don't have anyone to vent to. I've been there- it's not a good feeling.

Moms suck but they love ya! I love reading these FML's like others have said. vent here!

Just go for a walk... enjoy just being outside for awhile. Just wait until you grow up and even if you do have friends they have their own lives and can't drop everything to listen to you vent every time. You eventually have to deal with shit yourself, might as well learn now. As far as having no friends, it sucks but usually there's a reason for that. Either you are not letting people get to know you and you need to open up more, or you have some other personalty flaw that's driving people away and you need to deal with that then go back to step one. Worst case, find a therapist. They'll always listen.

lumberjack610 1

Suck it up cry baby! The world is only as bad as you take things