By wow. - 06/05/2009 20:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I got into my driving instructor's car for my first lesson. He looked at me, then said, "I'm sorry, but I wasn't told about your disabilities, what do you have?" I'm not disabled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 952
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get it. He "saw" your disability? Are you deformed or something?

She's saying that he's implying she resembles disabled people (not sure which disability though)... Some physical characteristic she has made him assume that. It's not rocket science. But wow, what an asshole. I guess this is what happens when people assume stuff smh.


DarkMirror 0
bsaucedo 0

i saw a similar fml two seconds ago....

Do you look deformed or mentally retarded?

roftl FTW!! dude i hate to say it but u got pwned. not only tht, i feel bad cuz i almost clicked YDI even tho u dont...idk y anyway good luck with tht and getting ur liscense. and i agree with 17 lol

Kids are dumb. This isn't bad, the guy was doing his job. He was checking if you HAD any disabilities, he wasn't being a dick about it. Sorry, but OP and anyone who agree's with her is really stupid :/

acid_wit 0

maybe he meant you were a woman

next thing u know he's gonna post an fml saying: today, I had someone trying to get a license so when he got into the car I noticed he looked strange so I asked what disabilities does he have and he said he doesn't have any.fml

When I first met my brother-in-law, I thought he was mentally handicapped. It turned out that he has normal to above average intelligence. But his every move and word is very deliberate.

crash his car and say " oh I think I became paralyzed waste down during the test" and just get up and walk away