By warp_routine - 31/03/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I got on an elevator with a woman and her child. I was the first one on. When she stepped on, the capacity alarm went off. As she left she told her daughter that's why fat people shouldn't be allowed in public. I'm 145 lbs. She was twice my size. I got called fat by a hippopotamus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 971
You deserved it 13 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bluecoconuts 0

Should have threatened to call the zoo.

shes just trying to make herself feel better dont sweat it


That "hippo" was either humiliated to the core and trying to save face, or vehemently in denial about her own obesity. Don't sweat it, especially if people were there to witness the alarm go off (there's no hiding which one is truly fatter, after all.)

#45 This will shock you! But, YOU need to gfto and go cry somwhere else :O

lol she's just jealous. you should of just chuckled at her.

ifoundnemo1018 0

you probably have dyslexia and actually weigh 541 lbs.

backseatfever 0

#45...the girl would have never said anything if the woman hadn't said something to her first and how do we know the woman wasn't just talking about herself?? i know a lot of overweight people that cope with their problem by poking fun at themselves. i also know a lot of not-so-fat people that do the same thing.

I'm about the same weight, and actually quite skinny...but I'm about 5'8". So you must be really short for someone to think that at 145, you're fat. Or you haven't stepped on a scale for 10 years and you're in serious denial.

alyson325 0

i agree with everyone else on here...she is jealous of you!! and 145 lbs is not fat at all btw. SHE was probably the one who set of the alarm! hahahahah =) dont sweat it!