By Ihatepants - 01/09/2016 01:37 - United States - Wrightsville

Today, I had a full day of work, a social event, and a doctor's appointment. My son looked at me when I got home and said, "Are your pants on backwards?" Yes, yes they were. All day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 937
You deserved it 2 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you go a full day without noticing? I would think that you'd notice if you went to the bathroom etc.

"Why, yes they are, son. Thanks for focusing on my pants more than anybody else all day… Wait. Just, thanks for pointing it out."


Based on the order you gave, I suspect your doctor's appointment was the one of the last things you did, and I'm guessing that's when you put your pants on backwards. Hopefully that's the case!

zeffra13 31

Did you not have to use your pockets at all that day? Or go to the bathroom? Or sit down and notice anything odd? Or feel tags, if they have them?

heatherrr17 19

lol I feel like you would be able to tell by how they felt. I've put mine on backwards and it's pretty obvious

Could have been worse. You could have been wearing pants with the word Juicy on them.

BabyCakes818 16

Well on the plus side, you wore pants. ^.^

I have days like this sometimes...but come some point either you went to the bathroom, your doctor probably would have mentioned it...did he give you a psych eval? Or someone somewhere at some point would have told you. You didn't look in a mirror to check your appearance before the social appointment and your boss at work didn't question your unprofessional dress attire? It has to be one whopper of a day to honestly not realize. Unless you're the kind of person who nobody would be surprised enough to question had they seen you like this.

serindipityish 14

What kind of pants were they....?

how did you button up your pants backwards without noticing.

Has to be yoga pants, or legging !!comfy ones- for you not to notice