By xxSecretAngelxx - 19/08/2013 18:35 - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I had a group presentation. I kept zipping my jacket up and down nervously. As I waited for my turn, I realized a bunch of classmates staring at me. I forgot that in the morning rush, I only put on a jacket. I only had a bra on underneath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 657
You deserved it 18 438

xxSecretAngelxx tells us more.

Hi everyone! I'm the OP and for those who were wondering I am in college which makes this story the more embarrassing! It was my first presentation this semester. It was a group presentation so I was already standing in front of the class with the rest of my group waiting for my turn to speak. Someone commented how come nobody told me when I walked in the class, when I walked in my jacket was zipped up, I started playing with my zipper when I was up in front of the class because it is a nervous tick I have, I do it without even noticing it. Kinda like how some girls twirl their hair or bite their nails. Of course either one of those would have been less embarrassing on that particular day!

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm sure they were eagerly anticipating your solo!

At least you had a bra on under the jacket! Would have made for an even more interesting class without it!


I'm sure you made the breast of things. I hope you had good support from your classmates.

nikenico14 12

Well its not a big deal, just as long as ur bra looked big, know wt im saying? Lol

TheyCallMeDamien 17

How do you forget that? I'm sure you'll have some fans afterwards.

Aouch, sorry this happened to you, that's pretty embarassing and you have my sympathies - I know how absent-minded one can get during morning rush. I hope you and your class were able to laugh it off easily, and hopefully it will soon be forgotten.

nikenico14 12

Oh and dont be embarrassed, i broke my ankles and used cruches, so i kind of was trying to fast to go across the gym, i fell over into a pile of girls talking, one of them was my crush, this was last year thankfully

DrownedMyFish 18

What does this have to do with the FML?

flashback_fml 14

Would've loved to see that presentation

I'm sure they'll forget about it in a flash.

Gunguy 11

Sounds like the start of a porno.

Hockeyplayer1 2