By tipmeover - 28/01/2015 13:09 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I had a job interview at a café. The interviewer asked me my availability and I told her that I was fully flexible. She laughed and said, "Really? That's tragic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 294
You deserved it 2 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has a sense of humor and would be fun to work with... or a total bitch.

Shouldn't she be happy? Employers want people who have flexible schedules.


I don't see anything wrong with that. Embrace it!

Right?! The only thing tragic is her attitude. Besides, what person isn't going to say they are flexible when trying to get a job!

JustinJK 21

@29 - You can't say you're flexible if you're not flexible. That leads to a lot of problems. I told my employer upfront that I'm a college student who interns and volunteers. That's how I got the job because the store I work at likes students and people who can only work 10-15 hours a week. I told a previous manager that I was fairly flexible, but that didn't work out well. I kept getting scheduled on days I had classes.

Maybe she has a sense of humor and would be fun to work with... or a total bitch.

#2: Either way - she's not boring and mundane.

Shouldn't she be happy? Employers want people who have flexible schedules.

littleteapot 21

I think she took it as OP having no life because she has no other obligations.

That's exactly right, but joke or not, she shouldn't have said that. Not everyone has a flexible schedule. I don't think OP needs her pity lol

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Don't argue with the autistic. It never ends well. And even if you win, all you did was out-argue an autistic.

Yes I should know better. Well off the the depth of the FML tour toured room for breaking a very known rule. A well cheers to everyone

Though the high horse she rail in on is totally okay.

HarleyBlues 24

Maybe she was asking about your relationship status? That's how I interpreted it. Oh well. Hope you'll get a good job, OP.

RecklessLove 18

Why would the interviewer care about her relationship status. It isn't relevant to the job and that would be very unprofessional.

I've seen and heard stranger things on FML. Though what I originally thought was admittedly stupid because I now understand the meaning.

"I don't know if this is the right time to tell you but I'm willing to bet that you work full time here too, and are equally flexible."