By taylrrina - 22/07/2009 08:32 - United States
taylrrina tells us more.
OK! On the form they DID ask if i was legally able to work in the US and if I was 21 or over (for driving purposes only, this was not a requirement for the job), but no where did it ask if i was 18. I brought my resume to the interview, and had i not given them this resume saying I was a current student at my high school and Running Start, they would not have asked if I was 18 or not. and to those scoffing about my greener practices and being excited about this job-- this was a great job making $9-$14/hr, anybody getting their first job would love to make $14/hr starting! it really did suck day of, i was supposed to go in the next day for training.' but i have another interview this coming week and life goes on :)
Top comments
Hey, so why the requirement to be 18? What's up with that? That organization really missed out!
US Labor Laws - specifically the Fair Labor Standards Act - regulate the requirement that a person be 18 to seek permanent employment. It states that anyone under 18 is considered a minor. Many states require a permit to work as a minor. In NY I had to get a permit to deliver newspapers at 14.
Hahaha. I did that when I was 16-17. I just said I was 18 and that was fine. £8/hour, bumping up from waitressing at £3/h. It was amazing. And then because I did that for the summer, kitchen work that required 18+ asked no questions when I did that the next year, as obviously I was old enough. Those were the days...
I'm sorry, but I don't believe you wanted a job. FYL still
That's what I a year you should be able to get this job, right? Or would it not pay enough for a 'real' job, only a summer before-senior-year job?
Really? Just because a job requires work doesn't mean people don't want them. I know plenty of unemployed people who desperately want jobs. Please, tell me what makes you think that he doesn't want a job.
YDI for not asking about age requirements prior to the interview. Things like that are obviously important.
i feel ur pain!!! im 17 too. i had 7 interviews (really good companies) but got denied. :'(
This is an FML? Wait a year and get a job wherever
I'm with 38 ydi for being a worthless envirowienie...
that happened to me but at 16 and for home depot... I had the job till he asked how old I was super wack as it was like 10$+/hr as I had my first year plumbing apprenticeship done
you'd think that would have come up sooner than when they decided to employ you...
most environmentalist organizations are whacko anyway.