By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


So glad that I'm not married to you

missyfiona89 28

Be glad she didn't come out with a knife. That's what I'd have done. **** u, u chauvinistic swine.

Silly boy! The kitchen is where the knives are!

vadaaa 11 told her to get back in the kitchen? What are you, twelve?

Oshiegirl92212 4

At least it wasn't a cast iron pan or you would've been even more screwed lol

SiriusA 0

I'm so happy my husband isn't as insensitive as you. That isn't a funny joke at ALL. No argument has ever happened where we insult one another. I don't get it. If she cooks for you and your family why the hell would you make fun of it? You didn't deserve to get hit, you certainly deserved something