By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


cantevenimagine 0

if i was her, i'd get a meat clever and say "i'm a make me a brain sammich!"

hosson 0

ur a douche bag to ur wife. ydi for being a sexist asshole.

she deserves it for not being in the kitchen

ArielTheMermaid 17

wow u m'am represent every hypocritical feminist stereotype ever... if u want equality so bad... do something about it and stop being a dick to this fellow... AND MAKE ME A SANDWHICH :D

it was totally rude and inappropriate of you. but that's also spousal abuse if she legit hit you with the frying pan. I'd do something about that.

I agree he was clearly joking around with her, you don't try and hurt someone for a ******* joke. You know what thank you for being the only logical person in this entire blog. Its honestly Bull crap for people to say "O ydi for being sexist", no he doesn't deserve it at all, because he most likely isn't sexist in real life, and this was just an argument, no frigging need to hurt someone with a frying pan.

lol honestly ive made like 4 "SEXIST" statements and none of these guys have said shit back...

sullifreshh 0

wow you're a super douche. you deserve it.

TheOtherTimeLord 0
purplepillow98 0

wow you totally deserved it retard.