By Abr829 - 09/11/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had just finished writing an essay for English. I was proud of it and thought it was one of my best works. I decided to show it to my mom, who is an English major. She read it, turned to me and said, "You know, if you actually want to go to UCLA, you're going to need to actually try." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 221
You deserved it 4 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TJStarzZ 8

Dude, my mother is a Science major, my anatomy teacher, and all that jazz. Doesn't mean that EVERYTHING she says is right, though. You should take the paper to your professor, cause knowing my mom, when I took my perfectly dissected fetal pig and removed brain to her, she got mad because it was better than the one she did a few years back. All I'm saying is, don't just take her words to heart, if you did great and you know it, you got nothing to worry about.


your mother the English major used actually twice in the same sentence

:) Thanks for the help Mom (hug). Love U too :* *note to self: never ask mom to proof read again unless she changes her attitude

It's okay, if you have money but you don't get into UCLA, just to to U$C like everyone else ;)

explodingpupppet 0

god people stop saying her mom "isn't supportive." at least she was honest.

akshar 0

Idk why this is a FYL. Really I think u should be happy ur mom is a English major and helped u to not turn in crap. FYI. Just cuz its ur best work, doesn't mean its good work. Keep that in mind.

You expected her to be less critical? She's an English major!!

Lol I got accepted there out of state and I am horrible non honors English (there is only 4% in UCLA that is out of state). Sucks to be you

proflover 0

bitch, get off your high horse. UCLA favors out-of-state students, especially since they pay way more for tuition than in-state students. plus, out-of-states have a higher acceptance rate.

You know, if you wanna be a good mother, your gonna actually try

hazelsaurus 0

I'm warning you now...if you are Asian don't go to UCLA!

Vball6 19

Ohhhh Ching chong ling long ting tong. Ohhhh!