By Anonymous - 04/03/2015 18:20 - United States

Today, I had my first concert and was really anxious about screwing up my performance. Good news: I played fine. Bad news: as I walked off the stage, I tripped over my own feet, face-planted the floor, and busted my nose open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 771
You deserved it 3 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a smashing performance that would have been!

Well when you meet people after the show, you're usually supposed to break the ice not your body.. Hope it heals well though!


hope no one video taped and put it on YouTube...get well soon..

Oohh, that's brutal OP. Good news is you showed them your musical talents despite losing your footing!

gobiteme2 34

Face –planted doesn’t that go into the percussion section. Wishing you quick healing their OP

You'll be fine! at least the physical pain and injury will hear overtime. Imagine the opposite. Get well soon.

shutupyou 11

ouch. Sorry to hear, i perform too, and im always afraid of that. of falling off the stage or tripping on cables. get well soon!

Sorry to hear that! guess it would be better to do it at the afterwards and not before.

Mooglefox 23

Let's hope that doesn't become a habit.