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By epicfail - 02/08/2009 08:39 - United States

Today, I went to a local concert. The singer from my favorite band stage-dived and I got to catch him. Unfortunately I was the only one to catch him. The next thing I know I'm pinned between him and the concrete floor as he finishes whatever part of the song he was on. He was fine, I hit my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 328
You deserved it 5 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think this is an FML. Your favorite band's singer was on top of you...WIN. Okay so you hit your head...but again..singer pinning you to the ground.

Always save the star. You at least get an autograph or something?


Always save the star. You at least get an autograph or something?

no1askdu 5

I got so bored reading this FML that i forgot what my real reply was.... so YDI for making me forget things

What a clever and witty response no1askdu! I'm glad you replied to the first post so I could find it easier.

Why did no one attempt to catch him?

she got something better than a autograph she got a imprint of him on top of her :)

The guy obviously wasn't a star. Only one loser tried to catch him. A loser who, for giving rock star status to some guy who can't even stage dive, totally deserved it.

arsefuckingwater 0

second haha, at least you tried man.

Was the concert at least good? What band?

I feel like if the band was actually good....she wouldn't have been the only one to try and catch him.

It says "A local concert" I doubt we would have heard of the band.

i kinda wished this was a "he stage dived and i got a handful of crotch!" being sandwiched between sweaty and concrete isnt bad either tho.

lol... I was thinking the same thing...what did everyone jump out the way when he jumped in?? Im sure he wouldnt have jumped if it were only OP standing there.

Well it's always possible that this guy joined the band...

Haha what the hell? He just was on top of you singing? awwwwwkwaaaard.

I don't think this is an FML. Your favorite band's singer was on top of you...WIN. Okay so you hit your head...but again..singer pinning you to the ground.

Yeah i agree, if the lead singer of my fav band was on me i'd try to make him stay there

Definably. If my favorite singer is pinning me to the ground, I'm wrapping my legs around him and making sure he stays there.

I agree with you three SO MUCH. XD If, say, it was Ville Vallo, from the band H.I.M., or some other sex god like that. Although from the way the FML described the situation, I'm afraid the case at hand was less sexy. XD *lol*

oh good i thought i was the only one! haha glomps galore. i just hope she's okay--she said she hit her head O.o

meikaze 9

I'm lucky enough to have had the singer of my favorite band as a friend for years now. Also he has fallen on top of me in drunken stumbles. Yay, win?

That's when you gotta make your move and roll on TOP of him, kiss him or something sexy and the rest will be history. Probably not but maybe!

chowyuk 0

fyl for beIng a singers only fan.