By OutOfWork.OutOfTime - 28/10/2015 01:34 - United States - Cookeville
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 11/12/2015 19:16 - United States - Mount Vernon
By BlueyedKat - 27/02/2016 06:03 - United States - Huntsville
By Former Professor - 21/07/2019 22:00
By NeverGonnaGetIt - 27/04/2019 12:00 - United States - Wayne
By blargggggg - 10/11/2009 06:20 - United States
By Ugh - 17/08/2017 20:00
By poormum - 17/11/2016 11:41 - Australia - Carlton North
By alphafoxy21 - 05/05/2011 06:54 - United States
Not a good sign
By DeepFriedZombie - 09/08/2016 00:18
By FailingMyCourse - 07/02/2016 03:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait
Top comments
Sounds more like he's just being a dick and using that as an excuse to not hire you.
I'm going to throw the bullshit flag on that one...I graduated with a BA degree and 2 years later left for the U.S.Navy. It's still valid no matter what you're doing or how much time has passed. Your interviewer don't know shit.
That person is full of shit and you should know that
Isn't that being bias?
Don't get discouraged by short-sighted nitwits like that guy...that piece of paper will always be a testament to your ability to stick with something through completion. What you LEARNED while earning the degree will be the foundation for your future, so it will certainly maintain its value. Go get em.
I call BS on that. You're interviewer is lying to you & is a jerk.
How did you spend your last 2 years after graduation? I hope you did something meaningful then.
That can't be the case everywhere, you just need to find a company that will give you a chance and value your work. Good luck OP!
I'm getting real scared that this might happen to me. I just want a decent job after college and make good money. sucks OP.