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By FailingMyCourse - 07/02/2016 03:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait

Today, I found out that my university had not accepted the internship I did when I was in college. They placed me in the same bank I interned in, with the same bank manager that I flipped the middle finger at after finishing my internship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 202
You deserved it 27 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xatraris 38

Don't burn bridges until they're fully crossed, and even then think twice before burning them. You may have to cross it again.

Maaayyybe you shouldn't have flipped that guy off? Karma's a bit of a bitch


Wizardo 33

Looks like you're in a long-term deal with an APR of go-****-yourself.

Stephencharis 14

Karma is definitely biting you in the arse.

Maaayyybe you shouldn't have flipped that guy off? Karma's a bit of a bitch

mariri9206 32

kinda? try definitely. never burn a bridge where you got job experience.

YDI,always try to leave on the best terms possible, you never know when you might see them again.

mirandaelcraig 13

also, more references. never burn a bridge from work.

I have worked under and around a number of serious, serious assholes with power complexes, and never once did flipping them off or performing any other unprofessional gesture seem like a plausible option. If you were completely lazy and incompetent, they wouldn't be likely to speak highly of you anyway, but OP really put the nail in that coffin.

Why in the world would you flip off your manager? Even if he was a complete asshole you might have still needed him later. YDI.

Xatraris 38

Don't burn bridges until they're fully crossed, and even then think twice before burning them. You may have to cross it again.

jlnotary 33

That makes me wish there was a "favorite" function for comments.

Came here to say exactly this. Good advice.

Who even gives the finger these days?! Everyone's always cursing and/or throwing fists. But yeah, sorry but YDI.

I think if the OP tried to punch the manager he would have gotten a lot worse than losing the internship..

That's awful. I would hate if my school did this to me especially because I couldn't stand my boss, but you should really have more self control than that...