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By NeverGonnaGetIt - 27/04/2019 12:00 - United States - Wayne

Today, I went on my 56th job interview since graduating from college 3 months ago. I am 31 years old and I spent 11 years in college. I only graduated with a Bachelor's Degree after all those years, but I am still not qualified for anything due to how long it took me to complete my degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 944
You deserved it 1 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As an employer or someone responsible for hiring, i'd not hire someone who took 11years to complete a 3years programm. It's obvious this won't be efficient and a company is all about efficiency no matter what they tell you.


bloopaloop 27

You are what’s wrong with “going to college”.

LadyRen 20

Sometimes things take longer, taking longer to get a degree is nothing to be ashamed of! It can take time to find your calling. You still got the degree! It’s silly to exclude you from jobs just because you took longer.

As an employer, I'd be worried about whether such an applicant would manage to stick to deadlines. 11 years for something that should only take three? A year or so can be lost due to unforeseen circumstances, (getting pregnant, or being ill, or having serious financial trouble...), you can also drop out, go and do something else then come back, but the something else should also feature on your CV unless you want the potential employer to think you might have been in prison or Syria.

First of all, college is advertised as 4 years, not 3. Second, it is very well-known that 4 year colleges don’t in fact take 4 years or less unless you do AP testing in high school and full time for summer semesters. Third of all, there are situations that could cause someone to go 11 years in college. If someone they were close to was diagnosed with ALS (which can have a 2-5 year diagnosis), they could have put their education on pause to take care of them. And they wouldn’t necessarily have to drop out completely at first either, just drop down to part-time, which also extends how long you’re in school. It’s entirely possible for someone to have been “in college” for 11 years and it not be because they weren’t good at time management.

3 or 4, not that much difference. They've still taken three times as long as necessary. If they've been doing something else as well as study, such as work or take care of a relative, they should leverage it somehow on their CV. I don't know of anybody who has taken more than the required time to get through uni. From what I've read I understand that it's even easier in north America than in Europe - because they can't afford to fail high-paying students. So the bit about studying all through the summer I find hard to believe.

As an employer or someone responsible for hiring, i'd not hire someone who took 11years to complete a 3years programm. It's obvious this won't be efficient and a company is all about efficiency no matter what they tell you.

Then you are a terrible employer. Just because it took him longer to get the degree doesn't make him unqualified for the job.

You’re qualified it’s just your “time in residence” raises red flags. What the **** took so long? Were you just that much of a party animal?

Why would time matter? What difference would it make if you took a few classes at a time.

It’s a 3 year program. It took them almost 4 times as long than normal. That’s not efficient at all.

Bachelors is a 4 year degree in the US. It may have taken him awhile because he couldn’t afford to pay for it all at once or life issues cropped up. Not everyone who goes to college wants to take on $30k of debt with student loans so they work and take classes as they can afford them.

And I know many people who can only take a few credits at a time. Due to them working. So the extra time is irrelevant.

If it's financial trouble, sure, you go off and earn some money then come back to finish your studies. And the work you did should be on your CV if only to prove that you didn't rob a bank to pay for your tuition then pay that crime of in prison for five years.

Sure, you can have financial trouble. Then you go off and work to save up some money to complete your degree. That work goes on your CV, even if irrelevant to your line of work. You have to prove that you didn't rob a bank (and end up in prison) to pay for your tuition.

If you only do a few credits at a time because of working, that work should be on your CV.

No one said it wasn’t. But would an employer notice that they were too busy working to finish on time? Resumes don’t say that. They just say when you worked there and what you did, not how many hours a week you worked.

you may benefit from not telling your interviewer how long will it take you to complete your degree. just say you went back to school and got your degree. I've never really heard of an interview were asking that question, so I wouldn't volunteer that information. you got the degree, that's all that matters

Every job application I’ve ever had asked the YEARS I attended school: start date to end date.

I've never seen that for software engineer jobs. Date of grad, and major only.

TxKitten79 10

That's B.S. (pun intended). seriously though. I just finished my B.S. after being out of college for over 11 years and I found a job.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Trust me change v your resume to just graduating starting 4 years ago tell employers you wanted a career change better your chances 11 years just looks pathetic cant justify that

Depending on the job, some employers actually verify with the school when you graduated. Even if you do get hired if they every find out you lied on your resume that’s essentially guaranteed grounds for dismissal.