By Ananomouse - 07/07/2016 21:31 - United States - Coatesville

Today, I had my guy over for some sexy times. Things stopped before they even started. I watched him pick his nose then wipe it on my freshly changed sheets. He denied it when I called him out on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 074
You deserved it 1 543

Ananomouse tells us more.

Op here. I don't have a problem with various bodily fluids getting on the sheets. But. I have tissues on the headboard and my bathroom is two steps away from my bed. So it was just generally disrespectful all around.

Top comments

At least you saw him do, that way you know how nasty he is.


**** people like him. It's not worth it move on or go to his house and do something "better"

Pretty sure #1 meant '**** people like him' as an insult, not as in 'Perform sexual intercourse with people like him'. At least, I hope so...

That was an obvious conclusion #17, but being that it can be interpreted the other way (and the other interpretation is funnier), that's the one we chose to go with.

Fml, the most humorless place on the internet.

At least you saw him do, that way you know how nasty he is.

If he did something like that I can just imagine the other nasty stuff he's done that you haven't caught

Pick your nose and put it in his pubes. Immediately deny it.

While it might not be the best manners on his part it still makes we wonder. Worse stuff than snot will end up on your sheets during sexy time, dontcha think?

Worse? Lol it's just a little baby batter, and that stuff turns into people!

Op here. I don't have a problem with various bodily fluids getting on the sheets. But. I have tissues on the headboard and my bathroom is two steps away from my bed. So it was just generally disrespectful all around.

That would have been a deal breaker for me, too. Snot's not sexy, and I wouldn't want snotty fingers anywhere near me, particularly not my lady parts. Blech!

I mean he at least wiped them off... Jkjk I completely agree and as a guy I'd like to apologize on behalf of all the guys who also find that disgusting

He probably did it subconsciously, as a lot of people pick their noses, and don't even realize. Maybe he feels right at home with you?

don't know about you but i don't wipe my nose on sheets neither consciously or subconsciously, thats just nasty

Maybe he's saving that little nugget for a post coitus snack.

I'm sure he nose what he's doing.

You were ready to happily get sweat, possibly spit, maybe more snot and **** juices all over your sheets. I get that you think it's gross but in comparison to what you were ready to do. Nah, lame move

Like OP has already said, she had tissues on the side. Wiping your snot on somebody's sheets is just rude. Also I don't know about you but I don't tend to get snot on the bed when I have sex...?