By purrfect :/ - 07/07/2016 22:34
Same thing different taste
By Desiree_lianne - 26/03/2016 21:02 - United States
The proposal
By Still No Ring - 15/06/2016 21:49 - United States - Lisbon
By in love with an idiot - 20/11/2016 11:47 - Angola - Luanda
By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom
By Username - 20/07/2011 23:07 - United States
By llord - 24/08/2011 02:29 - United States
Jackson Galaxy wanabee
By oh.geez - 05/02/2012 08:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 09:07 - Australia
By Anonymous - 19/11/2009 13:36 - Sweden
Sick move, bro
By jlw1998 - 25/04/2016 04:36 - United States - Dallas
Top comments
I love my cats, but I'm honestly puzzled about this one... All I can think is WHY???
Keep this. Wear this in loving memory of my cats :)
You just don't appreciate how romantic "For my Fuzzy McFuddlestein" is, OP. It's poetically beautiful.
So does he have the same pet name for both of you, or did he put the wrong one on the ring because of a mix up at the engravers? Because in my head right now, I'm picturing that the cat's new collar tag says "my love" and your ring says "fluffykins".
Unless he calls you by his cat's name, I really hope you didn't say yes.
OP said "my future husband" so she clearly did say yes
The real problem is that men shouldn't own cats. you should have left years ago.
What the hell does gender have to do with owning a cat?! I'm a male cat owner so this comment is completely flawed
Nothing, gender has nothing to do with owning a cat. If the type of pet ownership is how you determine masculinity, I think that says something about you, and it's nothing good. Comes off pretty insecure. "I can't have a cat, that's not manly enough," like wtf?
not a gender thing, no one should have cats. dogs are friendly and actually want your care. Cats are assholes who just want to use you and show no love. cats r gold diggers, dogs, that's real love.
Ok, I'm a dog person, I prefer them over cats, but really, it doesn't matter. People have different preferences, let them have whatever the hell kind of pet they want if it makes them happy. Also, cats do show love, it's just different from dogs because they're a different kind of animal. And I'd consider them the opposite of gold diggers considering they're fiercely independent.
Cats are misunderstood because dumbass dog owners think they can be treated the same way as a dog. Cats are actually closer to people than dogs are. Cats need personal space and they will give you warning signs before they do anything. Inexperienced people tend to not recognize these signs and think the cat randomly decided to attack them. How would you feel if some stranger came up and started rubbing your belly and talking with you like you're a baby? Dogs are friendly with just about anyone, cats on the other hand have a more one on one relationship with you. Don't blame a cat just because you lack the knowledge about them.
Wouldn't dogs be the gold diggers since they rely on their owners and beg?
Cat lady status!!

So does he have the same pet name for both of you, or did he put the wrong one on the ring because of a mix up at the engravers? Because in my head right now, I'm picturing that the cat's new collar tag says "my love" and your ring says "fluffykins".
Could be worse: the letters could look like Comic Sans, then you have a problem.