By Anonymous - 01/06/2009 19:07 - United States

Today, I had the Monday meeting that I have had every week for 8 months. We had new people joining today. One of my bosses went around the room introducing people, and he forgot my name. I've been sitting across from him with a nametag for 8 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 137
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if your jobs requires you to wear a name tag, you're not important enough for your name to be remembered.


Hey it's actually not that bad your boss has to remember alot of names. Also wear something flashy or something so you stand out more

goldshoes09 0

You can change that. Do something about it and get noticed.

Well that is a fyl if there are only like ten people at these meetings but if there are like fifty then u can't blame him.

wow. well, he would have a hard time firing you. but i wouldn't say that this is the worst thing ever to happen. i wouldn't go on and make a big stink out of it, but make your voice heard in the next meeting. your boss will probably grow to value you more if you contribute. #53: i'm having a really slow moment, explain the acronym?

haha321 0
ashleyirene 0

Maybe he has a lot on his plate. Don't take it to heart. One day you'll be someone's world, and he will no longer be in it.

Wow But that does suck for you

VoGuE221 5

If your boss can't remember your name after 8 months, you need to do something to stand out...

maybe he couldn't read. or maybe he just doesn't like you