By Anonymous - 01/06/2009 19:07 - United States

Today, I had the Monday meeting that I have had every week for 8 months. We had new people joining today. One of my bosses went around the room introducing people, and he forgot my name. I've been sitting across from him with a nametag for 8 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 137
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if your jobs requires you to wear a name tag, you're not important enough for your name to be remembered.


That's a **** your bosses life for being a complete retard. Not FYL

Maybe you should have dyed your hair blue like the person a couple of FMLs ago. At least if he didn't know your name he could call you "the one with blue hair" or "the forgettable one with crazy hair" or something

thats not TOO bad, you could just ask him why he didnt know your name after all that time, HMMMMMM!?!? :)

like the other fml said... make a living being unnoticed. Be an assasin

twindaddy 0

I guess you're just not that memorable.

fml1358 0

Man that sucks. But it could be YDI because you obviously didn't try to make yourself noticeable to him

mynameisjonas071 0

#10, how do you know the OP is a woman? Weird thing is, when I first read it that was my thought too, but idk where it came from though... That does suck, but it's not really an FML moment. Try to make yourself more well-known from now on ^_^

its ok. my teacher still calls me by the wrong name and school is over on friday :/