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By smellsfunnyinfrance - 21/08/2016 16:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to ask my sister if she'd shit her pants because the smell of poop was following us around Paris. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I had to ask an eighteen-year-old, or that she said yes and didn't do anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 812
You deserved it 1 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soverain 15

What were you guys doing that she ended up ******** herself? Did she tell you why she didn't mention her accident? There are so many questions, OP.

It's very common to have gastric distress while traveling. What I don't get is how come she did nothing about it.


Guess what i am!!!!! Thats right, im one of those people that get to say FIRST...LY, thats gross, and i would love to know how the paris natives reacted? "Those damn smelly tourist are coming around again." Almost makes me want to learn french. Almost.

Damn, the thumbdowns happened fast. Oh well, i had my fifteen seconds:)

Don't worry i just gave you your 15th disklike

Soverain 15

What were you guys doing that she ended up ******** herself? Did she tell you why she didn't mention her accident? There are so many questions, OP.

My sister did the same thing, when she was 4. My family were queuing for the log flume and she needed the toilet, as they were near the end of the queue they told her to wait. Once on the ride, they went down one of the drops and she said "it came out". I was a couple of months old at the time but I definitely remember watching my mum trying to clean her shitty underwear in the sinks. For some reason the gift shops sold Disney pants so my sister got some new pants. But once you reach your teens you're less likely to admit you shit yourself, because well, why would you want to?

Yeah, if I had to guess she just had a digestive issue that day that she just couldn't make it to the bathroom in time and then spent the rest of the day desperately hoping no one would notice until she got back to the hotel and could fix it against all logic, since who wants to own up to that embarrassment?

cootiequeen4444 11

#28 if you were only a few months old then you were just a baby..those were likely false memories based on the story you were told later in life... nobody remembers being a bloody baby... I'm not even sure if any of those people with extreme memories like Mary Lou Henner (sp?) remembers being a baby..

#28 Can infants actually go on log flumes? That seems dangerous.

It could have been that the sister couldn't find a bathroom with which to address the problem. OP and the sister are tourists; and something I noticed about Paris my first time visiting is that locating a bathroom from off the street can be difficult.

"elle merde son pantalon. dégoûtant" -Some French Guy

chrisbeaudoin 26

"Hon hon hon, quelle merde pour t elle." -other french people

Honestly guys, you're not fooling anyone. Either you're both French and can't spell correctly. Either you're not French and trying to sound cool. -Actual French girl

I suppose I'm the "trying to sound cool" option. In case you haven't heard - in America, we don't deduct points for spelling, apparently.

Pretty sure they're just making fun of the language

It's very common to have gastric distress while traveling. What I don't get is how come she did nothing about it.

Don't they charge you money to use the bathrooms there? Maybe she tried to hold it to save money and couldn't.

idk how things are in france but here in germany most public bathrooms are free to use. at trainstations or roadhouses you have to pay 50 cents or one euro to use the bathroom. so not that much money.

countryb_cth 38

Yes you have to pay some places in Paris however it's something like 25 or 50 cent Euros which isn't much at all. So the savung money exuse is pretty weak and not justifiable to shit your pants at 18.

Oh my, I can't even think of a joke for this one. That's just nasty.

Jesus Christ that's gross. like how did she send up ******** herself? and why the hell didn't she do something about it?? like just why