By smellsfunnyinfrance - 21/08/2016 16:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to ask my sister if she'd shit her pants because the smell of poop was following us around Paris. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I had to ask an eighteen-year-old, or that she said yes and didn't do anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 811
You deserved it 1 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soverain 15

What were you guys doing that she ended up ******** herself? Did she tell you why she didn't mention her accident? There are so many questions, OP.

It's very common to have gastric distress while traveling. What I don't get is how come she did nothing about it.


kozuu 7

I feel like that would be okay culturally in France, so no worries.

You were there when she grew up. You are also responsible for this. the hell is OP responsible for someone else ******** their pants?

Sandman2015 12

That's...unfortunate man. The French food must have done her stomach in.

I hope you went "home" so she could immediately shower and change!!

Hey guys, author here! I needed an account to comment. Firstly, some of you are hilarious. Secondly, we had been drinking the night before and she was still feeling it the next day. My guess is she pooped during the night and didn't notice some on her leg, nor did she notice it the next morning. When I asked she went to the lop and checked and found it! We got it cleaned up with no harm done, but it's something I won't let her forget for a while! ??

Rayth 19

I'm still fairly curious to how one doesn't notice the smell of shit that entire time though…

Diamond_don 18

Why did she poop her pants. And why not remove them and buy fresh clothes and wipe her butt. Just gross