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By Anonymous - 22/07/2016 17:19 - United States - Washington

Today, I had to deal with yet another day of people looking at my name tag and saying "You know nothing, John Snow." with a shit-eating grin, like they're the wittiest people alive. Then I had to deal with my boss telling me to lighten up, because it's "just a joke". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 790
You deserved it 1 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you mean you had to "deal with your boss" what do you want him/her to do, throw merchandise at the customers and tell them to leave the KING OF THE NORTH alone?

I can understand how that could get annoying but it's not the worst thing in the world. At least they're trying to be funny instead of being assholes like a lot of customers are.


The joke is on them it's JON Snow! (Isn't it?)

My last name is Stark, so I know exactly how you feel.. if it isn't a comment about Game of Thrones, it's "Related to Iron Man, eh?"

Get a new nametag and change the last name on it to Doe, for a couple of new sets of puns. Also, better GoT than toilet jokes, no? At least I hope you haven't had to deal with that too. I hope it gets better at work for you, best of luck, op! And for those that are not familiar, a lot of people call their toilets John/Uncle John and going to the bathroom is visiting him.

Hi Wenzdae, I'm Thursday. Meet me on Saturday and we'll have a date. That's something my dad used to say to me when I was young and I would start complaining that I'm thirsty. I used to put on this (I see it now) ridiculous childish voice and ended up pronouncing thirsty as "tursdy" sounds like Thursday. So he always said "Hi Thursday, in Friday. Meet me on Saturday and we'll have a date".

Dude just lighten the hell up like seriously how could you get butt hurt over a funny joke

Poppleton99 9

So you're saying FML because a few customers cracked some jokes? YDI for being such a pessimist. Could be worse, ya know.

My name is Billy D. My name tag said as much. I paid for replacement tags with my legal name (William) to stop the Eddie Murphy-esqe "Billy D! Billy D!" Chants all day.

this is really not that big of a deal

HRose 2

Dude, you do need to lighten up. It is just a joke. They're only trying to have some fun or brighten your day. Stop being such a sour puss.