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By Anonymous - 22/07/2016 17:19 - United States - Washington

Today, I had to deal with yet another day of people looking at my name tag and saying "You know nothing, John Snow." with a shit-eating grin, like they're the wittiest people alive. Then I had to deal with my boss telling me to lighten up, because it's "just a joke". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 790
You deserved it 1 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you mean you had to "deal with your boss" what do you want him/her to do, throw merchandise at the customers and tell them to leave the KING OF THE NORTH alone?

I can understand how that could get annoying but it's not the worst thing in the world. At least they're trying to be funny instead of being assholes like a lot of customers are.


If you get that shit every day, I understand you. Just say "Valar morghulis" or "a man has limited patience..."

By the way, John Snow, Winter is coming!

you're a complete pussy if you think that when people are reminded of a smoke show king that wields a bad ass sword and gets hot redheaded ass in cave hot tubs by you, that that SOMEHOW equates a FML. suck it up, buttercup.

Make a new one. At my job I've personally made a few with different names.

You should remind the customers what happens to Ygrittte in the end ...

I had a similar problem when i worked in a chinese food department in a grocery store. The word "Chinese" was plastered directly under my first name, and i'd constantly get stopped and asked if my last name was really "Chinese".

Just curious, why post this anonymously, when you pretty much tell us your name is Jon Snow, in your post?

Something similar happened to me after The Matrix came out. (My name is Trinity.) It's annoying, but I much preferred the customers that made lame jokes about Neo, over the ones that were assholes.

Dude, take it and run with it. Become the King of the North that you were born to be.

fpants2010 18

When I had a customer service job, something similar would always happen to me. People would question if my real name was really Franni, or Francine. When I would tell them Franni, they'd look baffled and ask if I was sure. YES, I know my real name!!