By happy birthday to me - 05/12/2013 05:14 - United States

Today, I had to explain to half of my class that yes, my birthday is on the same day as Hitler's, but no, it does not make me a Nazi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 760
You deserved it 3 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lVluse 15


KayleeFrye 39

I have a friend whose birthday is September 11th. People look at him like he was in on it or something when they find out. Sometimes people are morons. Hell, my birthday is the day of the Sandy Hook shooting. I bet when I'm out celebrating next Saturday night, strangers will look at me like I'm a horrible person!


Well, I'll be sure to wish you a happy birthday this next 4/20.

April 20th is my birthday too. I tend to get more stoners commenting on it being 420 though.

Danielt104 6

Since everyone in this generation is such a stoner, you should just say, "Hey, my birthday is on 420 whatup!" They won't even remember Hitler.

That would also mean your birthday is national marijuana day, and that doesn't mean you're a pothead

AZN3473 8

I too share that birthday, along with my grandpa. It's quite interesting.