By Anonymous - 21/04/2013 17:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend that taking triple the maximum dosage of painkillers won't actually triple its effects. She rolled her eyes, called me clueless, and said that I should "leave this stuff to the professionals." She's studying to become a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 218
You deserved it 6 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

Write this moment down and remind her of it in four years and ask again who's clueless.

Cryptic17 - No, the thing that will increase is the concentration if the drug in her bloodstream, and when you increase the plasma concentration, you generally increase the response. SapphireVelvet is right - OP IS clueless.


I did that when i was 8, except i took about 14 pills and my parents said i would die. Thanks mom.

I've been told by a doctor i can triple my dose of paracetamol as long as i don't take any more within 24 hrs. I'm not recommending it to anyone but that's my personal experience.

HerpNdurp88 0

Ok so if I take 2 tramodol my back stops hurting if I take 8 tramodol I can shoot ******* lasers out of my fingertips ... JS

I may not be a fortune teller, but I see a lot of Malpractice lawsuits in her future.