By Anonymous - 21/04/2013 17:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend that taking triple the maximum dosage of painkillers won't actually triple its effects. She rolled her eyes, called me clueless, and said that I should "leave this stuff to the professionals." She's studying to become a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 218
You deserved it 6 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

Write this moment down and remind her of it in four years and ask again who's clueless.

Cryptic17 - No, the thing that will increase is the concentration if the drug in her bloodstream, and when you increase the plasma concentration, you generally increase the response. SapphireVelvet is right - OP IS clueless.


she is can't feel pain if you are dead after all

Burn her at the stake before she multiplies .-.

finch01 18

it's hard to tell doctors what to do. she's getting good practice in.

She didn't just have twins 10 days ago did she? Maybe if OP wasn't pressuring her to have sex, she wouldn't triple dose on painkillers...

Thank God OP isn't studying to become a doctor.

You can actually take more than the bottle prescribes. They write a maximum dose so people don't take too much. But you can take more than what the bottle says.