By MrKento - 08/04/2013 23:16 - Honduras - Tegucigalpa

Today, I had to get my grandparents out of jail, because they were caught having sex in a public place. They excused their actions by saying that you can only be young and stupid once, so if you continue doing stupid actions, you are still young. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 540
You deserved it 5 034

MrKento tells us more.

:l Apparently it wasnt a good Idea to let know my grandparents that people thought they were awesome cause of their public stunt....

Top comments

ilovera 7

Ahhh grandparents. That's hilarious.

lissa_jade 22

apparently things get a little wild when Monday night bingo is cancelled..


indianagirl3077 8

Great grandparents ! Gettin out there living life and having fun . Age doesn't even matter

sugarbear0727 19

Awesome response on their part. :)