By AshleyRose24 - 23/11/2013 08:02 - United States - Fullerton

Today, I had to have a talk with my stalker. After telling him not to snapchat me, not to text me, and that I'm not interested, all he said was "I think persistence is going to be key here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 129
You deserved it 3 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the police and some jail cell keys may also form a viable solution.

I think a restraining order will be the key here


skittyskatbrat 19

Couple thoughts here. First, there's a song about "you cannot treat a psycho like a normal human being." Normal firmness does not work. It'll just escalate. Your options are going to the police and a bunch of headache stuff or just ripping into him. You've firmly told him no, he is NOT HEARING IT. This is not a normal guy, do not treat him with the kindness and respect you'd give to a normal guy that just has a crush. Second thought? Time to contact his parents. Even if you are in your twenties, this is not a bad idea. And get your parents involved, too. At the very least, they can back you up in court stating that you've complained about the guy. You'll also have phone records showing that you tried multiple ways to stop him. That might manage to make him straighten up before you're paying $500 for a restraining order. Good luck! Persistence IS the key. And creativity. And not playing by the rules of niceness and kindness (it will ONLY encourage him). Crossing fingers for you!

Pretty sure you can block him on snapchat and text now if he drives by your place and shit like that call the cops

Tell the police, always tell someone where you are going and how you will get there. Change your routines. Write down everything you know about him and give to a friend.

I think informing the police is the key here

Call the police and hire a bodyguard this could get serious and you should get a boyfriend to protect you too other than the police and the bodyguard

Call the police and hire a bodyguard this could get serious and you should get a boyfriend to protect you too other than the police and the bodyguard, the boyfriend is very necessary because you need someone who will notice if you went missing other than your family cuz you never know, stalkers can be crazy

why would u give all that too him in the first place

DancinL 14

Maybe they were friends/friendly before she realized he was a creep.

martin8337 35

Glock, Glock, know what I'm sayin';-).