By thefifthdoctor - 10/12/2013 06:04 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had to listen to fellow classmates whine about selling one of their many houses, while I can barely afford to pay for a $100 textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 877
You deserved it 3 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Stay in college OP, and someday you could be one of those many people.


yellowzinnias 20

I'm sorry, that must be tough. I do hope, however, you aren't implying that your classmate is not entitled to their own property because you have not yet had the opportunity to reap the rewards of your hard work in the forms of money and property, as well? I realize that people are confused about this lately, but free citizens have every right to be successful, earn a lot of money, buy property, and generally lead an accomplished life. Regardless of what our President thinks, the fact that Joe Crack Addict decided to drop out of high school, get hooked on drugs and not follow the path that you and I did (student loans, working hard, a degree) does not mean that Joe is suddenly entitled to have the government take away half the money that I worked for, money that is compensation for the investment of time, energy and money I made to be qualified for that work, and give it to him. I always find it fascinating that Steve Jobs is hailed as a hero and Trump is booed as a villain, and both because they were/are successful. In actuality, it unfortunately comes down to their politics and how some people sadly believe that certain rights should only be granted to others who agree with their viewpoints. And this is coming from a socially liberal Democrat. It sounds like you are on the right track, OP. Keep it up!

There's always someone better off, and there's always someone worse off.