By futuregigolo - 22/12/2012 00:11 - United States - Strasburg
Same thing different taste
By toothbreaker - 22/08/2019 11:00 - United States - Tucson
By gonebabygone - 27/08/2009 06:58 - United States
Do Not Pass Go
By Rex - 16/09/2017 16:15 - United States - Camden
By Cougar - 24/07/2009 19:05 - United States
By thefifthdoctor - 10/12/2013 06:04 - United States - Seattle
By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 00:59 - United States
By stupid - 26/05/2015 06:54 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 23/02/2011 16:04 - United States
By chilegrande - 01/03/2011 20:59 - United States
By defrauded - 08/03/2013 18:44 - United Kingdom - Oban
Top comments
For real. They offered $3.50, but you didn't have to accept it.
You're right- second hand books should always be sold at half it's original price unless a new edition with slightly different content was released, and then it should be 20%. There are rules established to guarantee a fair rate of return. When I sold mine, I got 50% back for books I bought as second hand the year before and one didn't sell as no-one wanted a study guide with notes indie.
So she profited 3.50??
Haha OP's name had my dying :D
48- $3.50 richer doesn't mean profit. it means OP went in with books and came out with $3.50
85- She sold the books for $3.50, if it were a profit it wouldn't be a FML. Plus, I've never met a used book salesman, that in this day and age, would pay OVER what the book is worth.
My Mom had bought the entire hardback "Left Behind" series for over $150. We went to a used bookstore and got 12 bucks.
132- Seems fair.
Go to a different place? Dumbshit...
This is why you always buy textbooks secondhand... I learned that the hard way.
^True, but if you damage/lose them, you have to pay as much as if you bought them. The truly sinister thing about textbooks is that even the ebook versions are hundreds of dollars now. >:(
I always try to buy used as well because I often save 70-80%. But lately, professors at my school are assigning textbooks with access codes to programs like MyMathLab, and they're actually requiring students to use them. Not only that, but you can't buy access codes "used" so I have to shell out $30-$40 extra. I suspect that my college is doing this on purpose to make students buy and sell only at the college bookstore and it's a rip-off. buy/sell books there. They give you around 79%-80% back
I don't see why anyone would accept such a terrible offer...
But he's exellent at barlosing ;-)
That goddamn loch ness monstah! Allways after that tree fiddy!
I find selling to the black market is better. You sell the History books to potheads since; they'll trip out when they find Abraham Lincoln isn't a vampire slayer, the Chemistry books to meth dealers; so they can create it better; the English textbooks to any drug dealer; since ain't noting wrong wit teaching em some grammar, your Economic textbook to drug lords; pretty self-explanatory, and your Biology book to poachers.
sooo, in short, I should donate my books to drugs?
The college's bookstore would have decent prices too. Anywhere would have been better than a used book store.
Yeah. I deff have to say YDI. Sell em to someone for next semester, though, I do realize they change textbooks literally almost every year. But you could have made more than 3.50.
The college bookstores only have good prices if you are the first one to sell the book back. What I do is buy on Amazon and then sell back to the university on the first day they start buying them back.
You should have donated them to someone who didn't have enough money to buy them but still needed them then.
When I moved recently, I donated all my books from college to the local high school. Their appreciation was more then enough reward.
Then why did you sell them at all? I wouldn't sell any book for that price, not even the bad ones :o You could always try selling them at a different place or make an ad. Or as the person before me suggested, donate them to people who can't afford a couple hundred dollars.
especially considering not one but several books have been sold resulting in 3.50
Sell them at eBay or craigslist. You set up your own price and won't get easily run over with such a low price. 3 dollars and 50 cents? That's pathetic op.
But then OP wouldn't have had any compensation at all

You should have asked to clarify whether she said "$350" or "3.50".
This is why you always buy textbooks secondhand... I learned that the hard way.