By sunflower226 - 05/08/2011 21:41 - United States

Today, I had to pay a $150 late fee because my landlord didn't receive the rent check. My boyfriend had addressed the envelope to himself and put the landlord's as the return address. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 602
You deserved it 4 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he thought someone sent him money too.

Sounds like someone needs to repeat 2nd grade


Gomerfied 7

Why would you sign a lease with some insane late fee like that???? I think this is exaggerated. I've never heard of anyone charging more than $40 late fee....and that was in NYC.

thats kinda smart in his part... see if you put no stamp on it, the post office will send it back to the return address a.k.a. the landlord. you'll save whatever a stamp costs...

That's what you get for dating Forest Gump!

silversonic75 6

I guess being an idiot DOES payoff sometimes. He either didn't read what the signatures were for, or he stole it knowingly. Either way, he got a check.

If he didnt put a stamp on it, it would have gotten to your landlord