By Anonymous - 12/06/2015 02:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to use the bathroom really badly in a drug store. After I did a #2, just as I realized the handle on the toilet was broken, a knock came at the door. I tried fixing it for ten minutes, before slipping out the door, to come face to face with two employees coming to fix the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 874
You deserved it 2 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Their problem for not putting a sign on the door, either that or you picked out some good drugs.

At least you'll never have to see those employees ever again.


I think you "handled" it as well as anyone can under the shit-uation, no worries OP

Kaalschneid 21

THEY deserve it. ever here of an out of order sign?

If the toilets water tank has a removable lid like most home toilets you can open that and pull on the lever inside. Now you know :)

Take the lid off the back and flush it manually next time it's not like the water in the tank is used

Hunkapoo 19

not your fault, they should have put up a sign or something so you'd know right away.

"Today, I walked back into my workplace's bathroom to fix the toilet, as the handle had broken off. Just as I arrived, a guy came out of the stall. When I looked, I discovered he had just taken a huge dump. FML"

Hunkapoo 19

LOL! the person who had to deal with it would probably write exactly this. I think this is a FML for both of their lives

It would sound better without the "After". Tinge more dramatic

What's with all these poop FMLs lately?

At least they were coming to fix it. It could have been some other customer instead. And plus, as soon as they fixed it (which I'm sure didn't take long), they could easily flush it. Not a big deal, but they should have put up a sign or something.