By ealovan - 03/03/2014 05:18 - United States - Des Moines

Today, I have exactly 204 snowflakes saved onto my computer, all of which I made on this snowflake-making website. This is what my life has come to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 929
You deserved it 9 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenalee96 22

That's cool though, print them out and make a chain!

We all have our hobbies, Op. No big deal.


Now I need to know what this snowflake website is, and make snowflakes with you.

Now just wait until you stumble onto a doll maker website. (Man those are addictive!)

There's a snowflake making website?! *goes to find it*

Have no idea why you wanna FYL.But I am interested in what you are doing.

nachosbabygurl 9

wow i feel my life is very.productive now next time i get called lazy il think of you and know i do way more than you do is the website lol. but be warned it's addicting. I'm now over 300 in my snowflake collection. but it's not as bad as it was. sorta

bobbyguy 17

I'm going on that website right now

RandomnessIsCool 6

I went on that website before, but I only made One snowflake.

dat_becky 17

Anything but homework! Thanks, OP :)!