By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I went through my spam folder. I found out that I'd received several emails telling me that I have been sending emails containing essays for a class of mine to the wrong address. The term ended yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 018
You deserved it 12 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see the meeting going something like this: Professor: I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you an F. OP: No! I'll lose my scholarship! Isn't there SOMETHING I can do? Professor: Well, there is ONE thing. OP: Oh, professor! Your shirt is so tight... Baw wah oh waoh wah oh wah /bad **** music poorly transliterated

Shit, that sucks man! at least you should still be able to prove you had sent the email with the attachment! I'm sure if you show it to them, they might let you off the hook!


If it was so important, why not make sure the receiver had received the mail? Sorry, YDI.

MissErikaHart 0

But is there no such thing as a mid-term? I generally knew what mark I was receiving in a class long before the term ended. OP definitely deserves it for not being on top of his work.

ishama13 0

He could have asked if the professor got them.

Shit, that sucks man! at least you should still be able to prove you had sent the email with the attachment! I'm sure if you show it to them, they might let you off the hook!

dtbomb 3

That's why you should look through your spam folder at least once a week.

Yeah, agreed marinus. You'd be lucky if they let you off the hook.


FYLDeep 25

Spam folder fail. I don't even use mine. Just don't post your email on public websites or sign up for solicitation offers and you shouldn't get spam.

Doesn't always work...I've gotten spam ever since i got my email address. Never signed up for anything with it.

Get gmail. They don't have much spam, not as many as yahoo.

SmallTownCutie 0

god I have yahoo and I get shit loads of spam -_- grrrr

mintcar 9

This really does suck. I'm not too sure how you're going to pull yourself out of this one.

Yeah, it's hard for teachers to have sympathy for shit like this.

Yeah, it's hard for teachers to have sympathy for shit like this.

Nurr, sorry for the multiple post. First one wasn't showing up.

mintcar 9

Are you using an iPhone? It does that to me all the time as well.

Let me guess. You're using Outlook Express.