By MillyMan - 07/02/2012 17:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 12/03/2015 01:50 - United States - Guthrie
By Anonymous - 05/11/2011 01:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/02/2012 03:59 - United States
Out of shape
By Anonymous - 05/09/2011 04:38 - Canada
By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 07:14 - Australia
By AmberHavoc - 02/01/2013 15:01 - United Kingdom
Team none of them
By twihard - 10/09/2021 23:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/02/2013 13:43 - United States - Boise
By Absent - 12/01/2010 05:42 - France
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 05:07 - Australia - Brighton
Top comments
Why would you make such a dare? that's crazy! Oh well. its gonna be a full moon tonight.
He should've seen it coming, since he bet on the Patriots.
That's what you get for betting on a team that had no chance
you only live once, go for it!:P
YDI for betting on the Patriots.
Children.... tisk...tisk.... Drinking is more fun with bets involved... Wait til you're 19/21
The moon is at its fullest tonight and tomorrow. Did you get lucky or did you actually know that?? If the latter, why???
63 - Please don't comment things like that before knowing what a bet is. He also could have been drunk and NOT realized.
I actually knew.. because the calander in my bathroom told me so.
Now if only there were someone there to get some good film of the whole thing, too bad you probably don't know anyone from the Patriots staff.
71- If the Pats beat all the other teams why didn't they have a perfect record?
TomHarrow, the giants beat them at the Super Bowl -_- Forgot what year though.
119-it was the 07/08 season
Maybe you should try bodypaint before going round the block..
You made a giant mistake
206- Considering there were 2 tight-ends and a receiver that were injured during the game, I'd say the Pats played rather well.. Oh, and let's not forget that Tom Bradys shoulder had been bothering him for a couple days before the game. When it comes to the biggest football game across the nation, all of the players need to be in perfect health. And, either way, every human is entitled to error. Injured or not, the Pats are still a fantastic team! And anybody who says different obviously doesn't know a damn thing about the beautiful game of Football. Like I've been saying, they only lost by 4 points.. Doesn't seem like a huge or even a big loss at all.
The Pats are a better team they just couldnt do crap that game
182- Lol really? The Patriots are the best team of the decade? Really? They haven't won a Super Bowl in 7 years. And they aren't even the winningest team of the decade. That would be the Colts, despite their awful record this past season after they lost Peyton Manning. Tom Brady is a whiny quarterback who usually has his ass handed to him by a Manning, and I can't remember the last time I heard something intelligent come out of Gisele's mouth. Suck on THAT.
Go to a different neighbourhood?
I'm sure that it being his own neighborhood was part of the bet. Either way... I personally would strut into the station naked, scream "**** THE POLICE," and proceed to finish my obligations to the bet.
Oh really, tough guy? You should try it. Have a nice time in jail. I am sure you can find yourself a suitable boyfriend in there, and some lucky guy a suitable girlfriend. ;)
Look on the bright side, if you get arrested you're close to home!
39 ... People don't go to jail for running around the block naked
39- Ha I've gone streaking before in more crowded places. But you're real cute trying to show someone up online, kudos to you. Oh, and if you doubt me, I'll refer you to more than a few friends of mine. You know what friends are, right?
That wasn't what 49 was talking about and yes they do it's called indexing exposure that is against the law he just better hope no kids decide to be out late or look out the windows or anything because that's another broken law
167- or maybe I haven't done It since because my parents beat my ass when they found out. Nonetheless, I get bragging right for having had the balls to do it, and it's always fun to joke around with my friends about it.
You sure your parents didn't beat the hell out of you because of showing your fun sized penis that supposedly " runs in the family " ?
Hey, you know what? Prove me wrong. Do it. Right now. Come on, don't be such a boner. Don't forget to skip about the playground nearby, either.
It was at a playground... Friend's birthday party. October of '08
I know and the x and c are right next to each other and seeing how that's the only letter out of place that's obviously what I was saying
That was obviously what I was saying but accidentally pressed the x instead of the c without noticing no need to correct....
There are cops there to DUH
Why would you even bet on the pats, I knew the giants were going to stomp them
Why the hell did he make the bet
im sure a cop would be naked / in a weird outfit doing the same and you nod to each other and he says "you lost a bet too?"
#207 SO TRU
Don't make bets you're not prepared to carry out. Especially not on the Patriots.
I'm not from america so I don't know much about the Super Bowl. But these Patriots must be pretty good if they got to the final??
Ha nice on drifter :)
Can't spell elite without Eli!
40- You are absolutely correct! There's a reason the Patriots make it to the SuperBowl way more often than all the other teams. They only lost by 4 points this year.. So it was a close game. Although Eli Manning is a beast,(QB for the NY Giants), the Patriots have it together and they're a good team. Like I said, the Pats only lost by 4 points. Don't let these people make you think that they're a bad team.. Because, like you said, they DID make it to the SuperBowl!
Pittsburgh and Dallas have more appearances in the Super Bowl (8) while New England has (7) with 3 wins and 4 loses.
Thank you 82. And just wait until the Pats lose Brady for any given reason. Look what happened to the Colts just from losing their quarterback. The Patriots aren't that great as a team.
None of u can even shit on them like i can
94, they did lose Brady a few years ago and had QB Matt Cassel, remember? They ended up coasting to the playoffs and lost in the divisional round so your theory doesn't hold true. Making it to the playoffs with a back up QB doesn't seem like a bad team to me...
#115: The Patriots did not make the playoffs that year, actually. They were 11-5, but they didn't make it because the Colts (12-4) and the Ravens (11-5 plus the tiebreaker over the Patriots) were the wildcard seeds. Look it up. Although the reason that they went 11-5 and the Colts went 2-14 without Manning is because Peyton Manning is a brilliant quarterback and Tom Brady's not that good. You could put any quarterback in that system and the Patriots would still be fine. And OP: YDI for betting against the Giants. I knew the Giants were going to win because they were much hotter than the Patriots and Eli >>>>>>> Brady.
121- Do you listen to any sports channels and/or sports critics?! Tom Brady is named one of the best QBs of all time! He's in the top 25! Don't start saying shit like that! Tom Brady has some of the best stats in the books. He IS named one of the top 3 best QBs of this day and age! Tom Brady is an excellent QB and a magnificent football player! They may have lost this SuperBowl, but that does NOT mean that the Patriots are a bad team or that Tom Brady is a bad QB! You need to look a couple things up before you start bashing fantastic football players!
Amen! If you thought the patriots were gonna win you DESERVE to be arrested. :)
YDI for betting on the patriots
I would simply like to say that Brady threw for more yards than Eli and had a better completion ratio. Plus I would like to see Eli rally his team with 57 seconds left and only be one tipped pass away from winning.
Where are you from?
Just look at the texans... They made it to the playoffs with a third string quarterback
Brady still has three rings. That's equivalent to the entire Manning family combined. I rest my case.
Jesus Christ 121, I did not get a word you just said, and I have a feeling that I don't want to know what it mean. Thank God i don't live in the US.
148, Brady had a lower completion percentage and less yards than Eli actually. He started off like 10/10, but ended up completing around 65%(which is still high) for 260 yards. Eli was 30/40 for 296 and HE WON. And Brady took the safety and threw a pick on a first down.
So basically, 148 is spewing bullshit cause Eli did actually have a better completion rate and more yards than Brady. And less costly errors
#133: Umad bro? I never said the Patriots were a bad team. Unfortunately, they are very good because they have a good system in place. However, Tom Brady without that team around him would be on the same level as Rex Grossman. He is nowhere near the same level as Peyton Manning. Peyton took one of the worst teams in the NFL and singlehandedly turned them into a powerhouse. So it wasn't a huge surprise that they went back to awfulness without him. Tom Brady isn't a good enough quarterback to do anything close to what Peyton has done for the Colts. He is the most overrated quarterback in the NFL and gets WAY too much credit. Basically, Daniel Tosh sums him up the best: "Your coach is a cheater, your rings are a lie, you backup from Michigan." Oh, and Eli is better than Brady too.
I like how this has turned into a conversation about Football
186- Do not call me 'bro'. I am obviously a woman. Don't call me that. And, yes, the Mannings are both very good football players. But you've got your info wrong on Tom Brady. Tom Brady did exactly what Peyton Manning did with the Pats. The Pats are considered to be a 'powerhouse' team. And why would you bring up Peyton Manning? I thought we were discussing Eli and Tom? Oh well..
What Super Bowl were you watching 176/7?
Mmkay, bro. And by the way, saying Tom Brady is the reason for the Patriots' success is bullshit. If he's such a good quarterback, why did they still go 11-5 without him? Seriously, the Patriots would be just as good with Rex ******' Grossman. It doesn't matter who their quarterback is. They're good because of their system. And I'm just saying, by comparison, Peyton Manning is much better than Tom Brady. Unlike Brady, Peyton actually deserves all the credit he gets. And so does Eli. The difference between the Mannings and Brady, I guess, is that the Mannings run their respective teams and Tom Brady couldn't do shit without his.
Cause it's funny.
they'll be to busy eatting dougnuts to notice.
And you'll be too busy learning to spell from a third-grader
What a fucken idiot,at least do it at night were you have a smaller chance of getting caught
Before you call someone a "fucken" idiot. Learn how to spell
He never specified night or day. If your referring to "today", that's how all FML's start
Cursing fail.
That's what happens when you cheer for the Patriots

Why would you make such a dare? that's crazy! Oh well. its gonna be a full moon tonight.
Don't make bets you're not prepared to carry out. Especially not on the Patriots.