By Beefballs - 29/07/2009 06:22 - Canada

Today, I just found out my dad got remarried a year ago. The woman is officially living with us, I got to have lunch with her alone today. I found out she is only 22, with a 14 year old little brother. My dad's 47. I'm 17, now with a 14 year old uncle and a mom that can pass for my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 385
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks for you...go find yourself an older woman and show her to your dad lol

Marry her mom so you could be your own Grampa


tick_tock 0

That really stinks but that seems to be happening more often all the time.

shewasalmost18 0

i think u should introduce your dad to the term "gold digger"

Stevieebabyy 0

Let's hope the good sex gene was passed on to you.

NobodyUKnow 0

lol your uncle is younger than you xD also your dad is a player

That's not really a FYL, but the official non-creepiness age rule is anything older than (age divided by 2 + 7) which makes her about 9 years to young for him not to be a creep.