By Anonymous - 21/12/2011 23:36 - Canada

Today, I left to go home for Christmas holidays. I got 3 hours away and realised I forgot the presents. Along with the engagement ring I was going to give to my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 13 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RockstarRN 10

You've got 3 more days, what's another 6 hours? I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate the extra effort to make her Christmas a little more special.

FYLDeep 25

The presents and the ring, huh? Seems like those would have been on the checklist. Reminds me of the time I built a car and forgot the engine.


RockstarRN 10

You've got 3 more days, what's another 6 hours? I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate the extra effort to make her Christmas a little more special.

#1, true. It'd be truly an FML if he posted this ON Christmas.

hellbilly205 17

Wow a good first comment on an FML i've saw in a long time i have to give you credit.

If you're from 2154, then you are obviously a time traveler since you're in 2011. Go back a few months earlier and you'll see the legends known as DocBastard, KaySL, and others I can't name. GO NOW!!!!!!

MaaaanWTF 1

I must agree with 12. This is an amazing first comment. I really hope this FML was submitted because he had to drive an extra 6 hours for his forgetfulness. Not because he decided to go on without the gifts and engagement ring!

Marcella1016 31

I would hope he would've turned around. I sure would've. An extra 6 hours of driving on top of whatever the rest of the distance is really does suck though. FYL, OP. But it'll be worth it when she says yes :)

A_Little_Girl77 12

Go back and get the ring and presents!! You'd be a hero for your gf (:

Family First. Drive back to get the gifts! It would be worth it, trust me.

It says 3 hours away from home (his destination) suggesting the trip was much longer and 3 hours could be considered the last leg of the journey. Im sorry i tarnished ur hopes of a good first comment...

How do you realize you forget something 3 hours in? I mean didn't you take a rest stop for gas or something and realize it? Well I'm sorry anyway OP. FYL and YDI.

If you were taking a car ride home, that is.

So Slippers, you're saying that you've not ONCE left home and only after you're far away or at the place you're going to, realize you've left something? Even me, being the fact that I'm human and make mistakes, have left something of importance behind by being in a rush to get somewhere.

Alicelover123 2

Bitch. Maybe they had a lot on their mind

Not necessarily, OP said he left home for the Christmas holidays, he might be overseas or have another reason which does not allow him to return home that easily. P.S there*

I'm surprised that only one member of the grammar police has pulled u up on that violation...

desireev 17

I'm sorry that you forgot the presents OP. Going back to get them will make Christmas that much more special. :)

Reyo 2

It's OK OP, I forgot my phone charger, which is kind of the same thing.

dan13mey 0

Everyone who understands blatant sarcasm cheer "Yay me!". ^You will remain silent.

ceilingfans 1

Considering I married a phone (it was an iPhone 3GS, and we got engaged right before the 4g came out grrrr) it is kinda the same. Except in my situation my wife dies and I get remarried to Siri.

kglo 7

How on earth is that remotely the same thing?? Go buy another charger. They aren't that much.

I agree with #11 who cares about a phone charger u can always buy one at a store!!! You can't buy a WEDDING RING again!!!!

FYLDeep 25

The presents and the ring, huh? Seems like those would have been on the checklist. Reminds me of the time I built a car and forgot the engine.

queenb1621 21

That made me lol so hard, my roomie is looking at me weird now lol

Get her a ring pop for the time being. Its a huge diamond plus you can get it in her favorite color. . . wait thats what I want Sorry op, but if u truly love her, go back and get it, you've got 3 days

blackstar994 5

But then she eats it and the diamond is gone... Dx

Well good, who doesn't want to eat a sweet, candy diamond? By the time she eats it, she'll have her real engagement ring :) it's all good

I know that feel bro... Went up to Auckland last week (3 hour drive) to visit my (now ex) girlfriend... Arrived late cause forgot engagement ring, caught her ******* my cousin... tl;dr Hurry your ass up before your cousin ***** your girl!

FYL 17, but I don't think that situation applies to most people.

Can I get your cousins number? He sounds hot.

You really think she would've not slept with someone else had you arrived 3 hours earlier?

K turn the car around, drive home, get the presents and drive back, not that difficult