By guiltnazan - 06/09/2014 19:29 - United States - Superior
guiltnazan tells us more.
Thanks for all the encouraging replies everyone. I decided to just not let her get to me and just move on with my life. #18: I think that anyone who needs to put down others and rejecting them to get an ego boost in any situation is just not a person I would want to spend any amount of time with. #25: That is an awesome idea and I should have used it!
Top comments
Usually I'm on the girl's side in tales of online-dating-woe, but this chick sounds conceited as hell. Then again, maybe she needed to feel like she'd rejected you, as opposed to you just simply not messaging her ever and both of you getting on with your lives. Perhaps she needed that little ego boost.
on most dating sites as As a female all you have to do is sign up and there's your ego boost right there! The messages come rolling in. mainly because there is mostly guys on them so the pounce on any pretty girl at least from what I noticed.
Maybe she just isn't into him and gets tons of requests a day. She wasn't overly mean or anything so chill out.
You will always find love where you least expect it! Don' let her get you down OP!
Well, that was unnecessary.
That was cruel! Don't even give it a second thought.
You should send her a message back that says "Oh, I wasn't interested in you. I was trying to discern if you were a guy or a girl. :)"

Tell her "no problem, I already ruled you out."
Wow, how rude!!! I hate people like that!!