By honor sucks - 27/11/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, I lost a huge bet with my friends. I had to either post a sexual message on my mom's Facebook wall confessing my "love" for her, or be ratted out for cheating on a school test earlier in the year. Now I'm considered a freak by half my school, and am indefinitely grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 029
You deserved it 45 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JukeboxValkyrie 19

I'm worried about the other half of op's school.


FMLeveryday23254 1

Why didn't you just say you got fraped? Shit like that happens all the time...

I like how his profile name is 'honor sucks'. If you had any honor, you wouldn't have cheated on a test in the first place. You abso-freaking-lutely deserve it.

DirtyJerzey8083 7

And you decided that a sexually explicit public message professing your love for your own mother was the better choice :-) YDI you dumbass

who makes a bet like that? and what was ur reward if u won? world domination?!

Akumie 6

I would have just admitted to cheating. A zero on a test and a weeks grounding is a lot better than ruining my teenage years. :| YDI

I thought you had to do one or the other??

You are TERRIBLE at making bets. Simply terrible.