By Razi_tail - 25/06/2014 04:13 - United States - Nixa

Today, I lost my dog while hiking. After searching the trails for an hour and a half, he was by the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 470
You deserved it 8 563

Razi_tail tells us more.

Razi_tail 25

I figured one of two things would happen: 1. He was in the same area we got separated or 2. He went back to the car. I chose to search the first option before getting a phone call that somebody found my dog. He has 3 ways to id him: dog park tag, name tag, and microchipped. It was the park tag that somebody had called on.

Top comments

At least you found him OP. You have a very smart dog.

TheKingKen 22

Smart dog. S/he knows exactly where to go back to when you lost each other


Omg i thought it said after searching the trails for an hour and a half, he was hit by a car. I was like thats terrible!

I read hit by the car the first read through guess I'm just dyslexic

lovebug177 21

Hey he was waiting for you to finish roaming haha

Debbiek 5

Dogs usually manage to find their way back.

that's a good dog, to return back like that... Well trained