By Anonymous - 01/01/2009 15:38 - France

Today, I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. On new years, my mom called and asked what kind of champagne I want. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 341
You deserved it 3 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And if your response is to post it on FML, then you're doing a pretty good job at the recovery part ;).


Ill put money on the fact that 7, 8 ,11 and 13 are all alcoholics.

christa953 12

wow 11 you're so funny....not

wait, if you're recovering today, what were you yesterday?

elizabethan13 0

jeez it's just champagne, not vodka. all you have to do is say no thanks.

missbadluk 0

How is this a fml? Stupid cause I've tried to post 2 REAL fml's and they never got posted. Sometimes I dont understand this website...

At least she didn't ask what kind of heroin you wanted...

LoneBooker88 16

she's probally trying to test you.

cryssycakesx3 22

Oh OP. I'm struggling with drugs myself. how long until "life gets better," as everyone says and stop feeling such an intense feeling of despair

derpy_batman 4

Props to you for quitting OP!